Employees are unclear about the objectives of cultural initiatives and how these initiatives will alter or enhance how they work.
Instead of this:
Inner-City Health Clinic hosts a company event to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month. The event provided an opportunity to learn about and appreciate Hispanic culture. However, some saw it as a superficial gesture and unrelated to the work they do.
Do this instead:
One of the core values at Inner-City Health Clinic is "Community." In honor of this, the company is celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month by inviting employees of Hispanic heritage to lead and organize the event. This ensures that the festivities authentically reflect their traditions and values. This inclusive strategy not only highlights the rich Hispanic culture within the staff, but also fosters a sense of belonging and empowerment. The company encourages all employees to participate, promoting an environment of learning and appreciation. By engaging with Hispanic culture, the initiative enhances understanding and connection within its diverse workforce. This effort underscores a commitment to cultivating a cohesive community where everyone's heritage is respected and valued, strengthening inclusivity and respect in the workplace.
At Cultured Enuf, we empower companies to build their dream organizational culture. We help leaders define and communicate a clear vision for their culture, and create plans that reflect their core values and organizational objectives. Ready to transform your workplace culture? Schedule a call with us to create clear goals and actionable plans.
Leaders make decisions without consulting their staff or considering the potential impact on teams.
Instead of this:
Administrators at Happy Charter School told teacher teams to host team-building activities every trimester for all the 2025-2026 school year to increase a sense of belonging. It temporarily built morale, but by the second trimester, teachers were overwhelmed with additional work it took to plan activities, and many cancelled their plans to focus on preparing their students for testing season instead.
Do this instead:
To reduce burnout and enhance organizational culture, Happy Charter School established a committee of teachers, staff, and administrators. This committee was assigned to gather employee feedback and suggestions for cultural improvement, and based on their findings, they proposed initiatives that carefully considered workload capacity and peak seasons. They not only secured approval and funding for several proposals, but also felt acknowledged and gained a sense of ownership over the school's cultural direction.
Close the gap between leadership and staff with Cultured Enuf! We partner with organizations to build an internal committee or task force, guide their strategies and develop their skills to drive and effect meaningful and lasting change. Schedule a free consultation.
Without a plan that connects to the organization's mission and goals, cultural efforts can appear aimless to employees.
Instead of this:
To increase employee engagement, Organization X began assigned mandatory eLearning modules on emotional intelligence and cultural humility. Many employees saw this as performative and just "checking another box" because they had received similar trainings in the past with no change.
Do this instead:
"Increasing Employee Engagement" is one of four main pillars of Organization X's 2025-2028 strategic plan. To accomplish that strategic goal, leadership plans to embed skills around emotional intelligence and cultural humility into job descriptions and performance evaluations, with key behaviors defined and modeled by leadership. To ensure employee success in these skill areas, eLearning modules will be assigned and included in new hire onboarding to help staff understand how these cultural competencies align with the organization's mission and values.
Cultured Enuf can help your organization align its cultural initiatives with its broader goals and vision. Our experts partner with organizations to create a holistic plan that integrates culture into all aspects of the organization. With our guidance, you can ensure that your cultural efforts are not isolated, but rather connected to the overall success of your organization.
Don't let unclear goals, limited employee input, or isolated efforts hold back from your dream organizational culture. Schedule a free consultation to develop a strategic plan and task force tailored to your organization's needs.